We live in a world where Instagram followers really matter. From building a solid content strategy to get your name out there, to growing your engagement rate naturally — it’s all part and parcel of being a social media expert. But how do you grow an engagement that translates to conversions in a natural way that doesn’t need artificial intervention? That’s where we come in at MollyGram. We’re social media experts, here to talk about all things Instagram and your business.

We’re currently in a digital landscape that amasses almost 5 billion people worldwide who are using some form of social media — meaning that businesses need to up their game if they’re wanting to stay ahead of the curve. It’s not just a tool for engagement anymore; it’s a trailblazer in business growth overall. Platforms like Facebook, the ultra-popular Instagram, LinkedIn, and even X (thanks Elon?) are all the methods that businesses need to use, depending on their position in the market. If you’re a finance business or tech-centered company, then updating your Instagram story isn’t going to cut it. You’re going to have to utilize LinkedIn and create a business strategy that is extremely business-led to suit your audience. And vice versa for retail and “trending” themes, because LinkedIn may not be home to your target audience.

In other words, you need to do a lot of demographic research before you get going with any social media strategy — because it’s all about setting the right tone, on the right platform. Our blog is here to discuss three social media tips to boost your business conversion rate (once you’ve got your target audience). Let’s take a look at what the true power of social media can do, and how it can heavily influence consumer behavior to drive those conversions. Let’s go! 

  1. Optimization 

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of all the strategies you should implement, we recommend that you do a full profile optimization. A well-organized Instagram platform will set your business up for success above all else, and in turn, grow your follower base. Depending on what business you are in, for instance, if you’re an online like Joe, you’ll want to make sure that your profile is well-informed and exciting, with visible links to visit the site. However, if you’re an influencer marketing agency, you’ll need to make sure your profile is Gen-Z-led, by filling it with trends, “cool” story highlights, and even catchy bios. It’s all about striking the right balance to really speak to your audience. 

If your profile on any social media platform is well-organized, then you will also be able to begin converting customers into visitors through click-throughs from the profile. Our top tip is to add call-to-actions to all your social profiles, as it is a method of persuasion from one app to another. If click-throughs aren’t used, there is also an option to opt for newsletter sign-ups or special offers through to landing pages. It’s completely up to you and your business!

2. Customer testimonials / UGC

Now, we understand that you may not want to make your profile boring or over-saturated, but testimonials are truly key for customer engagement. Showcasing your previous customer reviews or even UGC (user-generated content) is a huge part of making up a solid profile. It not only builds trust but also persuades a potential customer not to miss out on the action.

For example, if you are a beauty brand, then showcasing how your product works is the best marketing you could do in today’s society. And that’s where UGC comes into play. To build your amount of UGC, you can offer discount codes on your services in exchange for Instagram Reels or stories. This not only acts as a customer testimonial but can also be a ploy to build your own content strategy through other people's content. Now that’s a money-saving hack for any business that truly works! Influencers in today’s market charge nearly one thousand dollars to a few hundred thousand dollars for one testimonial or post, and although lots of brands do work with them, that’s pricey — so strategize on free content from your customers, and you’ll be on the way to success. 

3. Target ads and make exclusive offers 

We’re not in an era where you can film or produce any old ad and push it out for the world to see — it’s all about targeted ads now. On platforms like Instagram or Facebook, you can now select your demographic when posting or boosting adverts, to ensure you don’t miss a gap in the market. 

If you’re a trend-led millennial brand, then there is no point in marketing a post directed at 70-year-old Susan from the country, but there is a need for 31-year-old Katie in New York. It’s all about targeting them correctly and creating that engagement correctly! Strategize on past sales and capture insights from previous engagements with your posts. It’s the best way to see exactly where your brand aligns. 

Finally, another top tip for converting your social engagement into sales is to offer special discounts to ensure conversion happens. It implement this strategy the best online — as they know their customers are after special deals and exciting ways to boost their funds. They do this by offering up free spins, or follower-only bonuses, which drive traffic/engagement to their landing pages. 

usiness approaches can be truly utilized in any business niche, as the customers of 2024 are all looking for deals and incentives to purchase from a brand. Do your research, offer up a deal, and it’s a fail-safe plan that will always convert to sales on your website. Good luck!